About Bonnie Ho Gabaeff

Bonnie Ho Gabaeff specializes in the matters of the heart. As a Tarot & Energy Intuitive, she provides heart-empowered guidance, and as a writer, she reveals deep human truths, so that we can feel less alone in this world. As a teacher at the Journey School. She has a passion for holding heart-centered space to facilitate self-discovery, self-permission and soul alignment. For more information on workshops and events, visit https://bonniehoinsights.com/thejourneyschool/

How to discern between the Intuitive Nudge and the Mind

How to discern between the Intuitive Nudge and the Mind

Do you hear the nudge?

It’s there.

There’s something you’re being nudged to do, to say, to hear.

What is it?

I find that when I don’t listen to my nudges, I go into anxiety. Instead, I use my mind to “figure it out.”

I think I’m so smart. That I can conquer anything using my mind. (I can’t.)

Don’t get me wrong, we need our minds.

But the mind serves the nudge, the intuition. Not the other way around.

I know it can be confusing to discern between our intuition and our minds.

Intuition is soft and quiet. That’s because intuition is loving. It nudges us in this way that’s like “hey… how about this?” And it’s up to us to accept its suggestion.

The mind is loud. It speaks rudely to us at times, like “You lazy bum, why don’t you do this.”

The mind really doesn’t want to have to be “‘that person,” but we ask the mind to do stuff that it’s not meant to. The mind is great for certain tasks, like help us get to the Newbury Street in rush hour traffic. Or figure out the tip at a restaurant. Stuff like that.

We delegate all sorts of jobs to our mind, when there are other decision-making centers, like our body and intuition. So is it really a wonder our mind gets a little grumpy sometimes when we give it more than it’s meant to handle?

If you’re wondering how to discern if a nudge is your intuition, here are some tips:

  • It feels good. Even if fear, worry, nervousness comes in later when your mind begin to think more about it, there is a general positive feeling to the nudge.
  • It’s the first thing that pops into your head, in the morning. I’ve found that I am most pure when I wake up because my spirit has just come back to my body, and I haven’t had time to think.
  • You ask yourself the intention for the nudge and it is “uncomplicated” and loving. Good chance it is coming from your intuition. Our minds complicate things more than it needs.

It is true that our nudges will get louder over time. That’s because it’s actually really painful to not listen and follow on our intuition.

Our intuition is our connection to our true and highest self. And when we’re cut off from ourselves, we get anxious.

We think anxiety are external factors creating the anxiety, when it’s actually our own selves, knocking harder through our bodies to tell us something.

So it’s best to listen to the nudge. And act on the nudge. It feels good to act on our nudges and our intuition. It’s trying to bring us the joy that is ours to inherit.

This is how we flow with life. This is how we flow with our truest and deepest nature and desires.

Much love to you.

⁠In gratitude, Bonnie


Relationship and Love Tarot Readings – A place to rest your weary heart

Relationship and Love Tarot Readings – A place to rest your weary heart

If you’ve done your research, you’ll notice that not a lot of high vibe, high quality tarot readers will do Relationship and Love Tarot Readings. I understand why they don’t. People ask a lot of “crystal ball” questions when it comes to love—like “Are they cheating on me?” or “Will they propose?” Honestly, I’m not into answering these types of questions either, and so if you’re looking for that, I can refer you to a psychic hotline!  

Why I do relationship and love tarot readings

Perhaps it’s because I’ve had my share of broken hearts, and I know how it feels, but I’ve noticed good people with aching hearts gravitate towards me. As a Libra Sun, I’m very much a relationship person. Much of my adult life, I’ve been in long term relationships and have experienced the gamut—from emotionally toxic relationships to relationships with no passion. 

I’m happy to say I am presently in a healthy, loving, passionate partnership—one that I honestly didn’t think was possible. Feeling the healthy love and joy I am so grateful to share with another, I wish all women (and men) can have this, and I want them to know that it’s possible!

Because of my own journey, I’ve found holding space for relationship healing to be incredibly rewarding. Society doesn’t give us room to heal our love wounds or whatever erred beliefs about love that prevent us from attracting an appropriate partner or a fulfilling partnership. As modern women, sometimes we’re told that we shouldn’t want love and we’re left contemplating between our independence and our desire for romance and partnership.

Our session explores this and more. Most importantly, I strive to provide permission for you to open your heart’s desire in whatever form is true and real for you.

What happens in a Love & Relationships Tarot Session?

1) First, you talk it out.

Women (and men) come to me at many stages of love. Break-ups, transitions, single but looking, in a relationship but having challenges. We talk through what’s going on. You’re welcome to be as candid or not as you want. Break down and cry if you need to, it doesn’t bug me any. I listen absolutely judgement-free. 

2) I connect to your feelings and I reflect back

I pull tarot cards and look at your energy to see how this situation is affecting you. I use my clairsentience to connect to your feelings and emotions, to reflect to you what’s going on inside, and any messages that may want to be expressed about your situation.

3) We connect to your person

We then will pull a card representing your partner or ex-partner (with permission from their higher self), and tune into their energy in relation to you. What kind of person are they? How are they feeling about the situation? Is there a message their higher self wants you to know? This can be especially healing and provide a bit of closure when there is no communication in a situation.

4) How to move forward with empowerment AND heart

We then ask spirit for a message on how to move forward in your best interest. There’s a lot of advice and protocol floating out there when it comes to relationships. As modern women, we want to be empowered, and that often means setting very stern boundaries. I am a huge fan of boundaries, but it’s hard to know what that means for you. Sometimes, there is something in our heart that goes against the advice given to us by friends, family or typical societal-standard advice, and we can get confused as to which way to go.

How to move forward is so specific to YOU. What’s right for you may not be what’s right for others. 

5) Energetic healing and cord cutting (if desired)

We end with an energy healing. I remove any past time energy or emotions on love and relationships you were holding on to, and any past time energy from your person left in your auric field. If you’d like, I can also check for energetic cords that are keeping the two of you in communication on a being level. By removing the cord, it does not mean communication will never occur any longer, but that new ones can form in present time, so that you’re not stuck on old patterns with the person.

Other adhoc healing may also come up.

Ready to get started?

Love & Relationships Tarot Session

with Bonne Ho Gabaeff

Make an Appointment

How intuition and the rational work together

How intuition and the rational work together

My latest article on Jumble & Flow, “This middle-aged woman’s honest review of Natural Cycles, a non-hormonal birth control app“ has me thinking about science, intuition, rationality, and gut feelings.

Mainly, I believe in all of it. I believe in science. I believe in intuition. I believe in being rational. And I believe in gut feelings.

Somewhere along the way, we’ve pitted intuition and gut feelings against science and the rational, as if both can’t exist together. 

Our society has become one of opposition.

If you’re not for it, you’re against it. If you’re against it, you must not be for it.

Somewhere along the way, we’ve lost nuance. We’ve lost the idea that there is a time and place for opposites. And that life is about the balance of both—Of all.

In the article, I talk about listening to gut feelings. They came through painful menstrual cramps, and eventually felt I needed to listen to my body and go off The Pill. It may be true that there is no scientific evidence that shows that The Pill produces adverse effects and has few side effects for most of the population who takes it. 

As a former research analyst, both qualitative and quantitative, I also know that numbers and percentages give us a helpful birds eye view of a population’s experience, but each person has our own nuance, and we are not just a number. We are individuals with bodies that are all our own. With emotions, feelings, varying environments and situations that contribute to our own personal health, biology and needs.

By choosing to use Natural Cycles, I am not anti-science. I am choosing to use science in a different way. 

This is how intuition and the rational can work together. My intuition tells me I need to make a change. And science gave me a new possibility that uses rational scientific methods to create a new way. We do similar things every day of our lives. We get a feeling — a need, a desire, a “knowing.” And we use our logical minds to make it happen.

As Albert Einstein said “I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research.“

It is not anti-science to open up our imaginations. Use our intuition and our gut feelings. It is progress. It is improvement. It propels positive change.

I’ll end this on another Albert Einstein quote: 

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Sending much love.

In gratitude, Bonnie


Space, Death & Purpose: There is timing for everything

Space, Death & Purpose: There is timing for everything

Lately, I’ve been seeing “inspirational posts” that say things like “There is no right time…” then followed by “the time is now!” or  ….”Don’t wait forever.” Or some sort of “get going” type sentiment about starting a work goal, or coming into your purpose.

It’s been bothering me.

In the past few years, I’m learning a hard lesson: There is timing for everything. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. If you are in an abusive relationship or toxic environment, I agree that the time is always ripe to leave 👏 that 👏 situ-👏 -ation. Do not wait.

As far as a work goal or purpose, I’ve observed that as I inch closer and closer, and feel more aligned to my purpose, and what I had come into this Earthly existence to do, I understand why there is a time for everything.

We are not always ready. 

This is not an invalidation of who you are, but rather, our lack of readiness comes from being a human being. Every day we learn, we grow, we come into new understandings that build slowly over time, that gets us ready for our purpose. We can take steps, one after another, but each step has its own timing, coming from integration of each one.

These motivational quotes make us believe that if we’re not hitting the pedal hard, to charge forward, then we’re just sitting around doing nothing.

I’ve found in the past few years, especially the last year – when I’m “doing nothing” I am, in fact doing a lot. We live in a society where we invalidate space, as if we’re lazy, or not ambitious, if we aren’t doing something towards our goals. 

Confined to my home, I discovered that space was exactly the medicine I needed. It was a clearing, which included a death of my identity, a death of unsupportive friendships, places and things that no longer serve me, a death of inherited belief systems and values that no longer resonates. 

I had to first become an empty vessel, void of any notion of who I am, before I could begin to fill it with my sincere, heart-aligned truth and authenticity. This empty void is incredibly disorienting, and has brought many to existential crises, that only fuels our fire to discover who we are with more enthusiasm. As we begin to fill our empty vessels, uncover what’s in our hearts, we slowly begin to settle into our new selves.

All of this took time and space. There is no moving forward without this process. If we try to fast pass or skip a step, we’re only left with half truths. 

Do not be afraid of this space in-between; the space that leaves us empty and uncertain of who we even are. It may not feel like it, but it’s working for you. Trust in that space.

In gratitude, Bonnie

2021-08-16T19:25:03+00:00Tags: , |

The wisdom of anger

The wisdom of anger

⁠You’re allowed to be angry.⁠

This has been a theme coming up the past week… with various people, places and things. If I’m coming across it, perhaps you are too…⁠

When we get angry, we’re often told to “get over it.”⁠

We think: We want to be good people, and good people means we’re not angry. ⁠

That’s not true.⁠

Whatever “it” is, if you’re angry about it, there’s a message for you.⁠

We can ignore it all we want, try to move on without hearing the anger, but if anger keeps sneaking up on you, there’s something that wants to be heard, and it’ll keep coming until you hear it.⁠

Beneath the anger, is usually unrecognized pain, hurt, or grief. Or it’s telling us about a boundary that needs to be set. There may be a message of empowerment that wants to be received by you.⁠ Or something you want deeply that we aren’t allowing.

Throw out what you think you “should” do, about being a good person.⁠

Our anger, if properly heard and directed, is an innate wisdom, that transcends the protocols of “good person” and “bad person.”⁠

Stop, and talk to your anger. Ask it what it wants to say. Ask it what it needs, for you to be whole.⁠

And then, give it time to heal.

For more on this topic, check out this article about empowering yourself with anger, “How to be really angry and still be a good person” – written in my column for Jumble & Flow.⁠

In gratitude, Bonnie

2021-08-04T21:49:24+00:00Tags: , , , |

Why I don’t tell the future

Why I don’t tell the future

In my latest article on Jumble & Flow, I wrote about how a coworker came to me in a dream as a spirit. The dream was ethereal, as dreams tend to be. But this was something else. It was like we were in an empty, beautiful void, just the two of us. The energy could only be described as pure love as he took my hand and said, “I want to start a family with you.”

As I go on to say in my article, I woke up from the dream confused. I wasn’t interested in the co-worker, and motherhood was still only a vague question-mark in my mind.

The dream felt so good though, so safe. And it triggered an intense desire in me. My mind questioned the desire, and fear settled in. I shooed away the desire and the seed of Motherhood, the dream was attempting to show me.

It’s been several years later, and now, I am in a relationship with a former co-worker, not the one from my dream. We’re in love and building towards an amazingly spiritual and loving partnership walking towards the possibility of starting a family together. 

I look back on that dream and I can’t help but chuckle. 

The Universe clearly wanted to get my attention. Dreaming is a way The Universe / Guides / Angels / Higher Self etc communicates with us. I look back and can see how The Universe wanted to wake me up to this desire I was suppressing, the desire to walk towards Motherhood.

I look back on the dream, and in some ways, it could be called a premonition, but really it was my Guides trying to steer me in a more aligned direction.

God / The Universe lovingly gives us free will, which means we have the power of choice. We can choose whatever path we’d like, but there are Hopes we had set out for ourselves before we came into our existence in this life. When we walk towards love, we walk towards alignment. 

God / The Universe wanted to remind me of this Hope I had set out for myself, but it didn’t want to ruin the surprise! It wanted to give me clues without telling me exactly what would happen, and so it substituted a different co-worker to get my attention without the surprise of what, where or who exactly. I’ve had this feeling for a while, my person, is an ex-coworker, but I didn’t know who. If we knew all the details of life, that’d ruin the fun! Life is about living it.

People often go to Tarot Readers or Psychics to know the future. Our worry causes us to think we’d be better off knowing the future. There are a few points I want to make about this:

1) The future hasn’t happened yet, so how can we tell it? We have free will, and others have free will. Each choice can spur things to happen one way, or another. So we can’t know if something will happen for certain.

2) If we know the future, we limit our own possibility – When someone tells you the future, they tell you a possible future. When you believe it, you ground into a limited possibility. God / The Universe wants the best for you. It wants more for you than you want for yourself. When we stay open to the unknown, we stay open to possibilities beyond what we fathom. 

3) The Universe wants to surprise you – Again. Ruined surprises are no fun!

We may get dreams, visions, information about the future. But as I’ve experienced it, “future information” is meant to get you to act, in the present. It gives you these potential views into the future as a way to encourage you to align with your soul, usually they’re not easy paths. 

Whether you choose to align yourself and walk that path, is your choice. If you do, be open to the surprise the Universe wants to give you.

In gratitude, Bonnie


Don’t feel like you belong? Not everything is for you. And that’s okay.

Don’t feel like you belong? Not everything is for you. And that’s okay.

The other day, I was at a Loft clothing store. As the sales woman told me about the deals of the day, I felt uncomfortable. Stories began to trickle into my brain about my discomfort.

Thoughts like “I probably make people uncomfortable because I’m Asian.” I didn’t know this for sure, and yet, there the thought was. When you’re Asian American, thoughts like this come in often when you’re in a place where there are no other Asians around. I shooed the thought away. As Byron Katie would ask — “Is it true? Do you know for certain it’s true?”

No, I do not know if it’s true. And so it was pointless to think the thought; I was only hurting myself by thinking it.

Clearly, I was projecting.

I browsed around and tried on a pair of shorts. 

This just isn’t me, I thought. And I left.

Today, I was at a Goodwill Thrift Shop. There were all types of people at the Goodwill. Asians, Latinx, Whites, Blacks. As I was looking through the summer dresses, I found it interesting that I felt like I belonged there… at this grungy Goodwill shop. 

And then, I was hit by a realization:

That feeling of “I don’t belong here.” It’s not meant to invalidate you. It’s a message. Go find where you do belong. Not everything is for you. And that’s okay.

It blew my mind as I thought about the other day, feeling uncomfortable at the Loft store. I felt like I didn’t belong there, but — why do I need to? 

I don’t need to fit in everywhere. I had always thought me not belonging had to do with other people not making me feel welcomed. But — maybe the discomfort is also trying to tell me, *I* don’t want to be here. So why be here?

If someone’s being racist and it’s somewhere you want to be, then by all means, fight for your right to be there. Now that I’m older, I feel like — why do I want to be somewhere that’s racist (if they are), when there are places who are willing to accept me? Places where I feel comfortable and can be myself.

There was a time in my life when I shopped at Loft stores, and I felt like I belonged. I was a career woman and the style appealed to me. In that same period in my life, I would had never set foot in a Goodwill. The idea of buying second hand grossed me out a bit.

Now, I’ve flipped the script. Why buy expensive, new stuff, when there’s perfectly fine used clothing, waiting for a person to wear it, while donating to a good cause? 

It’s funny the stories we sometimes create in our minds when the feeling of discomfort or anxiety comes in. Sometimes, that feeling is just trying to say…. This isn’t for me

It’s no one’s fault. Sometimes it’s for you. Sometimes it’s not. It can even have been for you in a different time of life, and now it’s not.

As Asian Americans, we comprise of 5.4% of the US population. “Not belonging” is a feeling all Asian Americans have felt; it’s certainly been a big issue in the early parts of my life. Now that I’ve lived in America for 35 years, I rarely feel like I don’t belong. And it’s not because I am surrounded by all Asians. In fact, sometimes I feel uncomfortable when I am surrounded by only Asians. 

I don’t know what it is. You just know sometimes, that you’re in a safe place. A place where you can relax and be yourself. It could be all white. All black. Or a mix of people. It’s not about race. It’s about mentality and attitude, and our own attitude about our surroundings, and the stories we tell ourselves.

If you feel like you don’t belong, keep looking. Take back your power by choosing to be where you want to be.

Watch for the stories that run through your mind. Ask yourself — are they true? 

Let go of the need to belong everywhere. Sometimes it’s actually this need that keeps us trapped as an outsider. When we accept not everything in the world is for us, we accept ourselves for who we are.

 And when you do… poof! Like magic. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

Sending love to anyone who needs it.

In gratitude, Bonnie

2021-07-18T18:25:03+00:00Tags: , |

Trusting the Unknown: The Goldilocks Theory of the Universe

Trusting the Unknown: The Goldilocks Theory of the Universe

I’m developing a new theory.

It’s called the Goldilocks Theory of the Universe.

The Universe wants the best for you.

It wants way better for you than you even know.

But we don’t know what’s possible. We don’t know how good we could have it.

And so, the Universe shows you.

Just like Goldilocks, and the Universe presents you with the Three Bear’s porridge, one at a time.

As a young naive girl, we venture into the forest, and we’re presented with what’s wrong for us. 

The first porridge we try is cold. We may not realize it’s not very good. It’s the only thing we’ve ever had, and so we keep eating the cold porridge. 

Whether this is a relationship, or a job, we’re so glad to have anything to quench our hunger, we may not even realize that cold porridge isn’t that great.

After a while, we realize that maybe something better is out there. And so, we get up the courage to stop eating the cold porridge in search for better porridge.

We move on. And so, the Universe gives us some hot porridge. Having only experienced cold porridge, the hot porridge is appealing, at first! It takes us to the other extreme. The hot porridge wakes up senses we didn’t even know we had. It’s exciting. It’s thrilling. It’s burning our tongue and yet we keep eating.

After a while, the pain of burning our tongue is too much to bear. And so we brave the possibility of never eating porridge again, and go out into the unknown in search for better porridge. 

We’ve learned. 

Cold porridge is bland. Hot porridge is too painful. If any comes our way, we’re not taking it. 

Before the Universe can give us the right porridge we had to experience the extremes. We had to know for ourselves, what we don’t want, some of the qualities that we do want. And to know we deserve better.

Until we say “No, I deserve better” – we will keep getting crap porridge.

If you are unhappy with your porridge, (or job, relationship, etc), the Universe wants you to wake up from it. It wants to give you better. 

But first, YOU have to say no.

It wants to bring you something beyond what your mind can fathom as possible. 

Our Minds create based on past experiences of what we know. 

Our Spirit creates based on all possibilities, beyond what our minds can make up. 

Beyond comprehension. 

To experience Spirit’s gifts, we must trust in it. Trust in letting go of the past. Trust in letting go of what we know. Trust that Spirit will guide us and bring us beyond what and who we thought we can be.

If, and when we do. The Universe brings us the most amazingly delicious porridge in the whole world. Porridge you didn’t even know existed. Porridge that you couldn’t even ask for because  you’d never experienced it before.

And you wonder why you had said yes to the cold porridge, or the hot porridge. 

You wonder why you didn’t allow yourself this amazing porridge sooner.

In gratitude, Bonnie


My dignity cannot be taken, if I do not feel shame.

My dignity cannot be taken, if I do not feel shame.

⁠This post was written on Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday, January 18th, 2021. The week of President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Last week, I was spit on.

I was walking down the street, minding my own business when a guy walked near me and spit in my direction.

I didn’t make out what he said, but he said something like “_(?)_, you b*tch!”

I stepped back and said “Hey! What the f*ck!” 

The guy kept walking. 

I was startled and taken aback for a moment. What happened after that, I did not expect.

I immediately went into a prayer.

Honestly, I was surprised myself. 

The prayer was for myself, but it was also for him. For the past year, I have gotten accustomed to praying for the homeless I see on the street. Especially those who seem to be taken by demons. So it seems my prayer mode immediately kicked in.

After my prayer, I noticed something. 

I have been spit on before, and afterwards, I am usually in fear and in shame. But this time, I didn’t feel fear or shame. I was rattled, but this was different. I didn’t shrink.

I don’t know why this person spat at me. I couldn’t make out what he said except for the “You b*tch.” Through this, I could insinuate that he was spewing hate on me because I am a woman. It’s possible. And in the past, my brain most definitely would have gone there.

As I walked pondering about what just happened, I realized that it really didn’t matter why he spat on me. Because my dignity cannot be taken, if I do not have shame within me.

I did not feel shame, because I know I am not shameful.

On this day, it makes me think of all of the brave Light warriors in the Civil Rights movement. All of the hate spewed on them as they staged sit-ins, marches as they fought for their Rights. They were beyond just spit-on.

As Martin Luther King Jr said: “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” 

As we move into this week. I pray for the world, that we can hold Dr. King’s vision. 

Whatever happens. Remember that our dignity cannot be taken, unless we allow the darkness to do so. 

Remember your Light. Remember your Love.

In gratitude, Bonnie


What if I am normal?

What if I am normal?

All of my life, I was fighting to show I was special.

My parents were not the type to tell me I was special, and I didn’t feel special. They thought I would have an ordinary life. Grow up, get married, have kids. 

I resented that this was what they thought I would become, so I rebelled. I envisioned myself as something else.

I set out on a life to show I was special. I became independent. Successful in an analytical career. Going on adventures, eating incredible food locally and around the world. I did enjoy these things, to a certain extent. It certainly fulfilled my ego to show them they were wrong.

I was fighting so hard to show that I am special, that I missed something that was calling out deep inside me, that I was ignoring.

Really, I am quite simple.

In my deepest of hearts, what I really am, is a simple heart.

In a meditation a few months ago, Mary Magdalene showed me this. She invited me to a white chapel. As I looked around, the chapel was small, quaint, filled with light, but not too much. She walked into my little chapel and held my hand.

Mary Magdalene said to me, “Look at this place. This is the place of your heart.”

Inside, there were no signs of the successful career I’d had, or the cool adventures I had been on. Really, there was nothing, but pews, and a table. It wasn’t even decorated. There were two jars representing my beloved late cats, Leo and Paintfoot in the corner. That was it.

I’d been running from my simple heart, my entire life.

Really, I know that deep down, this was what my parents had recognized within me, as a child. It wasn’t a bad thing. I was innocent, and there was part of them that was scared I’d be eaten up by a nasty world. 

I had taken this cue as needing to toughen up. 

And maybe I did. Maybe all of my path was meant to be. 

So that I can come back.

And know the worth of my simple heart.

In gratitude, Bonnie

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