How to discern between the Intuitive Nudge and the Mind

Do you hear the nudge?

It’s there.

There’s something you’re being nudged to do, to say, to hear.

What is it?

I find that when I don’t listen to my nudges, I go into anxiety. Instead, I use my mind to “figure it out.”

I think I’m so smart. That I can conquer anything using my mind. (I can’t.)

Don’t get me wrong, we need our minds.

But the mind serves the nudge, the intuition. Not the other way around.

I know it can be confusing to discern between our intuition and our minds.

Intuition is soft and quiet. That’s because intuition is loving. It nudges us in this way that’s like “hey… how about this?” And it’s up to us to accept its suggestion.

The mind is loud. It speaks rudely to us at times, like “You lazy bum, why don’t you do this.”

The mind really doesn’t want to have to be “‘that person,” but we ask the mind to do stuff that it’s not meant to. The mind is great for certain tasks, like help us get to the Newbury Street in rush hour traffic. Or figure out the tip at a restaurant. Stuff like that.

We delegate all sorts of jobs to our mind, when there are other decision-making centers, like our body and intuition. So is it really a wonder our mind gets a little grumpy sometimes when we give it more than it’s meant to handle?

If you’re wondering how to discern if a nudge is your intuition, here are some tips:

  • It feels good. Even if fear, worry, nervousness comes in later when your mind begin to think more about it, there is a general positive feeling to the nudge.
  • It’s the first thing that pops into your head, in the morning. I’ve found that I am most pure when I wake up because my spirit has just come back to my body, and I haven’t had time to think.
  • You ask yourself the intention for the nudge and it is “uncomplicated” and loving. Good chance it is coming from your intuition. Our minds complicate things more than it needs.

It is true that our nudges will get louder over time. That’s because it’s actually really painful to not listen and follow on our intuition.

Our intuition is our connection to our true and highest self. And when we’re cut off from ourselves, we get anxious.

We think anxiety are external factors creating the anxiety, when it’s actually our own selves, knocking harder through our bodies to tell us something.

So it’s best to listen to the nudge. And act on the nudge. It feels good to act on our nudges and our intuition. It’s trying to bring us the joy that is ours to inherit.

This is how we flow with life. This is how we flow with our truest and deepest nature and desires.

Much love to you.

⁠In gratitude, Bonnie