
Msgs from Heart

How do I forgive others?

How do I forgive others? This article was posted on my old website, and was written in 2018. I hope it gives solace to anyone who grapples with a similar question. Much love to you! I was once asked by a woman seeking understanding and relief.  “How do I forgive someone who hurt [...]

How authenticity is service work

How authenticity is service work I channeled this story from my guide a few years back, when I was contemplating what it means to ‘be of service’. There once was a holy man, a beloved pastor of sorts, who lived in a village a long, long time ago… He had a wife and many [...]

How do I choose my first tarot deck?

How do I choose my first tarot deck? Your guide to choosing a tarot deck for beginners So you’re ready for your first tarot deck, aye? How exciting!  With so many tarot decks out there, you may be wondering how to choose your first. A search for ‘tarot deck’ in google yields hundreds of possibilities. From Amazon to Etsy, [...]

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