The tree that talked to me about death

I sat on a fallen tree
To rest my feet.
My hand nestled on its back
I became aware of its life.
You’re alive! I surmised.
Yes, the tree said.
But you are no longer alive
Like that tree over there
Standing tall.

I remember those days.
Growing was not easy,
the tree recalled.
I grew and grew.
Weathering storms, frost,
heat and droughts.
Still, I kept going.
That’s how you grow. 

One day, I fell over,
and my purpose was born.
Now I lay awaiting weary travelers.
Give them a place to take a rest.
I could not have come into my purpose without
Growing growing growing.
Through all the storm, frost,
heat, drought.

As time goes on
A new purpose will be born.
A place for little creatures to hide
And feast
Nourishment for soil
And the unseen.
I may transform but I am never gone.

I had no idea
The segment of a fallen tree
Could be a sage.
I thanked it
For its wisdom.
I left on my merry way
So that I may continue to grow
To become a place for weary travelers.

In gratitude, Bonnie