Trusting the Unknown: The Goldilocks Theory of the Universe

I’m developing a new theory.

It’s called the Goldilocks Theory of the Universe.

The Universe wants the best for you.

It wants way better for you than you even know.

But we don’t know what’s possible. We don’t know how good we could have it.

And so, the Universe shows you.

Just like Goldilocks, and the Universe presents you with the Three Bear’s porridge, one at a time.

As a young naive girl, we venture into the forest, and we’re presented with what’s wrong for us. 

The first porridge we try is cold. We may not realize it’s not very good. It’s the only thing we’ve ever had, and so we keep eating the cold porridge. 

Whether this is a relationship, or a job, we’re so glad to have anything to quench our hunger, we may not even realize that cold porridge isn’t that great.

After a while, we realize that maybe something better is out there. And so, we get up the courage to stop eating the cold porridge in search for better porridge.

We move on. And so, the Universe gives us some hot porridge. Having only experienced cold porridge, the hot porridge is appealing, at first! It takes us to the other extreme. The hot porridge wakes up senses we didn’t even know we had. It’s exciting. It’s thrilling. It’s burning our tongue and yet we keep eating.

After a while, the pain of burning our tongue is too much to bear. And so we brave the possibility of never eating porridge again, and go out into the unknown in search for better porridge. 

We’ve learned. 

Cold porridge is bland. Hot porridge is too painful. If any comes our way, we’re not taking it. 

Before the Universe can give us the right porridge we had to experience the extremes. We had to know for ourselves, what we don’t want, some of the qualities that we do want. And to know we deserve better.

Until we say “No, I deserve better” – we will keep getting crap porridge.

If you are unhappy with your porridge, (or job, relationship, etc), the Universe wants you to wake up from it. It wants to give you better. 

But first, YOU have to say no.

It wants to bring you something beyond what your mind can fathom as possible. 

Our Minds create based on past experiences of what we know. 

Our Spirit creates based on all possibilities, beyond what our minds can make up. 

Beyond comprehension. 

To experience Spirit’s gifts, we must trust in it. Trust in letting go of the past. Trust in letting go of what we know. Trust that Spirit will guide us and bring us beyond what and who we thought we can be.

If, and when we do. The Universe brings us the most amazingly delicious porridge in the whole world. Porridge you didn’t even know existed. Porridge that you couldn’t even ask for because  you’d never experienced it before.

And you wonder why you had said yes to the cold porridge, or the hot porridge. 

You wonder why you didn’t allow yourself this amazing porridge sooner.

In gratitude, Bonnie