My dignity cannot be taken, if I do not feel shame.

⁠This post was written on Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday, January 18th, 2021. The week of President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Last week, I was spit on.

I was walking down the street, minding my own business when a guy walked near me and spit in my direction.

I didn’t make out what he said, but he said something like “_(?)_, you b*tch!”

I stepped back and said “Hey! What the f*ck!” 

The guy kept walking. 

I was startled and taken aback for a moment. What happened after that, I did not expect.

I immediately went into a prayer.

Honestly, I was surprised myself. 

The prayer was for myself, but it was also for him. For the past year, I have gotten accustomed to praying for the homeless I see on the street. Especially those who seem to be taken by demons. So it seems my prayer mode immediately kicked in.

After my prayer, I noticed something. 

I have been spit on before, and afterwards, I am usually in fear and in shame. But this time, I didn’t feel fear or shame. I was rattled, but this was different. I didn’t shrink.

I don’t know why this person spat at me. I couldn’t make out what he said except for the “You b*tch.” Through this, I could insinuate that he was spewing hate on me because I am a woman. It’s possible. And in the past, my brain most definitely would have gone there.

As I walked pondering about what just happened, I realized that it really didn’t matter why he spat on me. Because my dignity cannot be taken, if I do not have shame within me.

I did not feel shame, because I know I am not shameful.

On this day, it makes me think of all of the brave Light warriors in the Civil Rights movement. All of the hate spewed on them as they staged sit-ins, marches as they fought for their Rights. They were beyond just spit-on.

As Martin Luther King Jr said: “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” 

As we move into this week. I pray for the world, that we can hold Dr. King’s vision. 

Whatever happens. Remember that our dignity cannot be taken, unless we allow the darkness to do so. 

Remember your Light. Remember your Love.

In gratitude, Bonnie