Relationship and Love Tarot Readings – A place to rest your weary heart

Relationship and Love Tarot Readings – A place to rest your weary heart

If you’ve done your research, you’ll notice that not a lot of high vibe, high quality tarot readers will do Relationship and Love Tarot Readings. I understand why they don’t. People ask a lot of “crystal ball” questions when it comes to love—like “Are they cheating on me?” or “Will they propose?” Honestly, I’m not into answering these types of questions either, and so if you’re looking for that, I can refer you to a psychic hotline!  

Why I do relationship and love tarot readings

Perhaps it’s because I’ve had my share of broken hearts, and I know how it feels, but I’ve noticed good people with aching hearts gravitate towards me. As a Libra Sun, I’m very much a relationship person. Much of my adult life, I’ve been in long term relationships and have experienced the gamut—from emotionally toxic relationships to relationships with no passion. 

I’m happy to say I am presently in a healthy, loving, passionate partnership—one that I honestly didn’t think was possible. Feeling the healthy love and joy I am so grateful to share with another, I wish all women (and men) can have this, and I want them to know that it’s possible!

Because of my own journey, I’ve found holding space for relationship healing to be incredibly rewarding. Society doesn’t give us room to heal our love wounds or whatever erred beliefs about love that prevent us from attracting an appropriate partner or a fulfilling partnership. As modern women, sometimes we’re told that we shouldn’t want love and we’re left contemplating between our independence and our desire for romance and partnership.

Our session explores this and more. Most importantly, I strive to provide permission for you to open your heart’s desire in whatever form is true and real for you.

What happens in a Love & Relationships Tarot Session?

1) First, you talk it out.

Women (and men) come to me at many stages of love. Break-ups, transitions, single but looking, in a relationship but having challenges. We talk through what’s going on. You’re welcome to be as candid or not as you want. Break down and cry if you need to, it doesn’t bug me any. I listen absolutely judgement-free. 

2) I connect to your feelings and I reflect back

I pull tarot cards and look at your energy to see how this situation is affecting you. I use my clairsentience to connect to your feelings and emotions, to reflect to you what’s going on inside, and any messages that may want to be expressed about your situation.

3) We connect to your person

We then will pull a card representing your partner or ex-partner (with permission from their higher self), and tune into their energy in relation to you. What kind of person are they? How are they feeling about the situation? Is there a message their higher self wants you to know? This can be especially healing and provide a bit of closure when there is no communication in a situation.

4) How to move forward with empowerment AND heart

We then ask spirit for a message on how to move forward in your best interest. There’s a lot of advice and protocol floating out there when it comes to relationships. As modern women, we want to be empowered, and that often means setting very stern boundaries. I am a huge fan of boundaries, but it’s hard to know what that means for you. Sometimes, there is something in our heart that goes against the advice given to us by friends, family or typical societal-standard advice, and we can get confused as to which way to go.

How to move forward is so specific to YOU. What’s right for you may not be what’s right for others. 

5) Energetic healing and cord cutting (if desired)

We end with an energy healing. I remove any past time energy or emotions on love and relationships you were holding on to, and any past time energy from your person left in your auric field. If you’d like, I can also check for energetic cords that are keeping the two of you in communication on a being level. By removing the cord, it does not mean communication will never occur any longer, but that new ones can form in present time, so that you’re not stuck on old patterns with the person.

Other adhoc healing may also come up.

Ready to get started?

Love & Relationships Tarot Session

with Bonne Ho Gabaeff

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