About Bonnie Ho Gabaeff

Bonnie Ho Gabaeff specializes in the matters of the heart. As a Tarot & Energy Intuitive, she provides heart-empowered guidance, and as a writer, she reveals deep human truths, so that we can feel less alone in this world. As a teacher at the Journey School. She has a passion for holding heart-centered space to facilitate self-discovery, self-permission and soul alignment. For more information on workshops and events, visit https://bonniehoinsights.com/thejourneyschool/

My dignity cannot be taken, if I do not feel shame.

My dignity cannot be taken, if I do not feel shame.

⁠This post was written on Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday, January 18th, 2021. The week of President Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Last week, I was spit on.

I was walking down the street, minding my own business when a guy walked near me and spit in my direction.

I didn’t make out what he said, but he said something like “_(?)_, you b*tch!”

I stepped back and said “Hey! What the f*ck!” 

The guy kept walking. 

I was startled and taken aback for a moment. What happened after that, I did not expect.

I immediately went into a prayer.

Honestly, I was surprised myself. 

The prayer was for myself, but it was also for him. For the past year, I have gotten accustomed to praying for the homeless I see on the street. Especially those who seem to be taken by demons. So it seems my prayer mode immediately kicked in.

After my prayer, I noticed something. 

I have been spit on before, and afterwards, I am usually in fear and in shame. But this time, I didn’t feel fear or shame. I was rattled, but this was different. I didn’t shrink.

I don’t know why this person spat at me. I couldn’t make out what he said except for the “You b*tch.” Through this, I could insinuate that he was spewing hate on me because I am a woman. It’s possible. And in the past, my brain most definitely would have gone there.

As I walked pondering about what just happened, I realized that it really didn’t matter why he spat on me. Because my dignity cannot be taken, if I do not have shame within me.

I did not feel shame, because I know I am not shameful.

On this day, it makes me think of all of the brave Light warriors in the Civil Rights movement. All of the hate spewed on them as they staged sit-ins, marches as they fought for their Rights. They were beyond just spit-on.

As Martin Luther King Jr said: “One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.” 

As we move into this week. I pray for the world, that we can hold Dr. King’s vision. 

Whatever happens. Remember that our dignity cannot be taken, unless we allow the darkness to do so. 

Remember your Light. Remember your Love.

In gratitude, Bonnie


What if I am normal?

What if I am normal?

All of my life, I was fighting to show I was special.

My parents were not the type to tell me I was special, and I didn’t feel special. They thought I would have an ordinary life. Grow up, get married, have kids. 

I resented that this was what they thought I would become, so I rebelled. I envisioned myself as something else.

I set out on a life to show I was special. I became independent. Successful in an analytical career. Going on adventures, eating incredible food locally and around the world. I did enjoy these things, to a certain extent. It certainly fulfilled my ego to show them they were wrong.

I was fighting so hard to show that I am special, that I missed something that was calling out deep inside me, that I was ignoring.

Really, I am quite simple.

In my deepest of hearts, what I really am, is a simple heart.

In a meditation a few months ago, Mary Magdalene showed me this. She invited me to a white chapel. As I looked around, the chapel was small, quaint, filled with light, but not too much. She walked into my little chapel and held my hand.

Mary Magdalene said to me, “Look at this place. This is the place of your heart.”

Inside, there were no signs of the successful career I’d had, or the cool adventures I had been on. Really, there was nothing, but pews, and a table. It wasn’t even decorated. There were two jars representing my beloved late cats, Leo and Paintfoot in the corner. That was it.

I’d been running from my simple heart, my entire life.

Really, I know that deep down, this was what my parents had recognized within me, as a child. It wasn’t a bad thing. I was innocent, and there was part of them that was scared I’d be eaten up by a nasty world. 

I had taken this cue as needing to toughen up. 

And maybe I did. Maybe all of my path was meant to be. 

So that I can come back.

And know the worth of my simple heart.

In gratitude, Bonnie


Don’t forget your own desires

Don’t forget your own desires

In important relationships, we are often wondering: What does the other person want? 

We ask this because we don’t want to rock the boat. We don’t want to overstep for them to reject us or see us in a negative light. 

When making decisions, we want to know what the other person wants, ignoring our own wants and desires.

Oftentimes, we’re not thinking about this consciously. It’s just something we do.

Women have this tendency, but I’d say anyone with a nurturing side does. We lean into our natural nurturing skills, a good skill set to have. We take it and use it to the point where, that is all we do. All we do is nurture others.

If you are this natural born nurturer, I feel for you. 

Remember that nurturing others is only one of the things that you want for your life. You are more than your ability to nurture. 

Remember that sacrifice is not nurturing. Society has somehow convinced us that sacrifice for someone we love is the ultimate showcase of love. It is not.

When we tire of sacrificing, we beat ourselves up. We accuse ourselves of being not a good friend, parent, child, sibling. 

We get so accustomed to sacrificing that we forget what it’s like to explore our own desires.

We forget that our own desires exist. Then, one day we wake up and realize – I have no idea what I want.

Give yourself permission to explore your own desires.

Start simple.

What do I want for breakfast today, truly? 

Break yourself out of your own routine and see that today, you may have a new desire that  wants to be heard. Perhaps you have a desire that was different from yesterday’s. 

Ask yourself, “What do *I* want?”

In gratitude, Bonnie

2020-09-08T18:47:59+00:00Tags: , , |

What if I make the wrong decision?

What if I make the wrong decision?

Sometimes we get wrapped up in the worry of making the wrong decision. 

And so we think and think and think. Is it this way? Or that way?

For those of us, who are Spiritually inclined / Starseeds / Lightworkers. What we fear the most….

Is making the wrong decision in the eyes of God / The Universe / Higher Self.

We have the power of choice.

But there are no wrong decisions.

Each decision we make takes us on a journey or path that may be slightly different than the other.

But it is never wrong.

Especially in the eyes of God / The Universe / Higher Self

Each path brings its own set of opportunities and challenges. 

Even as we see two paths – one that is scary; one that is more within our comfort zone. Neither is right or wrong.

Each contains something to learn. Discoveries to be made. In its own way. With its own processes.

God / The Universe / The Higher Self has no judgement on you. 

It is always loving and compassionate.

It is us, who won’t give loving kindness and compassion towards ourselves.

Give yourself permission to be wherever you are in your decision-making.

There are no wrong decisions. 

Let every decision be okay.

Love yourself, ya’ll

In gratitude, Bonnie


Own up to your part in a relationship (Part 2)

Own up to your part in a relationship (Part 2)

Trigger Warning: This is a reflection of my own experience, take what resonates and leave the rest. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you feel, that includes being angry at the other person (which I was for many years). I invite you to go to the Permission Wishing Well, and give yourself permission to be where ever it is you are at. 

See Part 1 here: Own up to your part in a relationship (Part 1)

“He brought out the worst in me.”

“He made me become a person I hated.”

“I became the worst version of myself.”

He was an asshole. But I was an asshole too.

We can get into an argument about who is a bigger asshole. But that would only be an excuse for my actions, which I am ready to take responsibility for.

“He brought out the jealousy in me.”

“He brought out the hatred in me.”

“He brought out the manipulativeness in me.”

But, it was in me.

I may not had known it at the time, but I had a choice. I let those emotions overwhelm me. And I did what I did. 

I also said terrible things.

I also did terrible things.

I was playing the game, just as he was. And I convinced myself of my innocence.

At the time, I didn’t know it, but my emotions were trying to get my attention. All the anger from all of my life was pent up; I had kept my feelings shut out from myself my entire life. I was trying to keep them in check by pretending everything was okay even as we emotionally abused each other.

Now, I see what happened.

I take ownership for also being an asshole.

I did unloving things to hurt another person.

I did unloving things to another, to hurt myself.

Instead of self-love, we embodied self-hatred. We put ourselves through misery.⁠

When we own what we did, we free ourselves.

Love yourself, ya’ll

In gratitude, Bonnie

2020-08-28T03:32:29+00:00Tags: , , |

Own up to your part in a relationship (Part 1)

Own up to your part in a relationship (Part 1)

The other person was still an asshole.⁠

⁠The other person was still manipulative.⁠⁠

The other person was still a jerk.⁠⁠

The other person was still violent.⁠

⁠But we create the story that this was done to us, and we have no power.⁠

THAT’s the story. THAT was the belief. When we were, or are, going through it.⁠

At any point, we can / could make the choice to leave. To put a stop to it. To say no. To set boundaries.⁠

But as the adage goes… it takes two to make a relationship.⁠

What happened with YOU, in that relationship?⁠

Could it be, that you wanted someone else to love you, so much so, that you ignored your own power? ⁠

That’s the part we own. ⁠

The times when we didn’t act. ⁠

⁠Who we were in the relationship. ⁠

How we reacted in response.⁠

The times we ignored the love that we have for ourselves, for the sake of wanting and grasping for… that feeling of being loved and cared for by another.⁠

Even though they go to extremes to show you otherwise as well.⁠

Instead of self-love, we embodied self-hatred. We put ourselves through misery.⁠

When we own what we didn’t do, we free ourselves.

Love yourself, ya’ll

In gratitude, Bonnie

2020-08-28T03:33:21+00:00Tags: , , |

Ignoring your ego is self-deception

Ignoring your ego is self-deception

As Lightworkers, Spiritual Seekers or “Good People” – however you identify, we often suppress our ego. 

Like a dog that’s stolen a bone, we tell it “NO!” We tell it “Bad dog!” or “Bad ego!” 

We feel it wanting to come up to the surface. It wants to say something, but we don’t allow it a voice.

We think: We must be humble. We must be positive vibes. We must have gratitude. When we’re in that energy, and feeling that, then that’s cool. This is not what our life composes of 100% of the time. This is also not the goal of life.

There are times in our life when we come upon situations when our ego wants to come to the surface. 

When you feel that ego urge, let it speak. When we let the ego speak, we uncover a part of ourselves that is really hurting. We need to allow that hurt to have a voice. That hurt can hold your heart’s true desire hostage… until your hurt is heard, we cannot access the deep desire, or love, or joy that is buried within. 

I for one, have most of my life tried to bury my ego. I didn’t want people to think I am a bad person. I hid behind a veil of humility. It’s not that I didn’t have any humility, but I used my humility to not see that I have an ego-side as well. I was only deceiving myself.

So if your ego wants to speak, let it speak. Give it room to speak. It may speak only to you. It may even speak to someone else. If we let it speak softly, then it can come out with gentleness, instead of being pushed out in anger. 

An Incantation:

Please God / The Universe / Higher Self. I honor my ego. To honor my ego is to honor my pain. Help me release that within me that wants to keep the ego in a cage. Give me the strength to listen to my ego, so that I can heal.

In gratitude, Bonnie


Anxiety vs Nervousness

Anxiety vs Nervousness

We’ve all heard the saying “follow your joy.” What we sometimes forget is to unfollow our anxiety.⁠

Our bodies are intuitive systems built to communicate information to us. When we feel anxiety, often,  it’s our body telling us we’re going the wrong way. Anxiety is frequently a bodily response, to when we make ourselves do things we don’t want to do.⁠

There is a difference between anxiety and nervousness. Nervousness is a different feeling. This feeling comes when we are doing what we want, but there is a bit of fear that comes in when doing something we’ve never done before, have fear we’re going to screw it up, etc etc. ⁠

Nervousness tends to be quieter. You feel the connection to your heart, and you know you want to do it. You know it is right for you. But there is this tinge that hits on old limiting beliefs, but there is a deep desire to persevere.⁠

Anxiety is loud. It is the manifestation of the statement “I don’t really want to do this, but I am going to force myself to do it.” Sometimes we mix up the concept of anxiety with nerves. We think that we’re feeling this way because we don’t believe in ourselves enough, and so if we just keep pushing and pushing, we will eventually enjoy what we’re doing.⁠

In our society, we don’t give ourselves enough permission to not do things. Whether it’s social anxiety – giving yourself permission to not go to the party, and accepting that you’re just not a party person. Or giving ourselves permission to not go after certain ambitions, because it’s simply not who we are. ⁠

We feel anxiety and we think we have to be brave. We have to tough it out without realizing that some things are not for us, or of us.

So please, follow your joy. But don’t forget, to also unfollow your anxiety.⁠

In gratitude, Bonnie 


2020-08-28T03:34:10+00:00Tags: , |

Dialogue with your heart

Dialogue with your heart

In quarantine, we may be feeling very lonely. Many of us, when we feel lonely, we may call up a friend and see if they want to grab a coffee. Or, we may even go to a cafe on our own just to be around people, to feel like we’re not so alone in the world.⁠

Without the option of doing these things, it’s easy to feel lonely. And you may feel trapped in your loneliness. If this is you, I feel for you. ⁠

I truly believe one of the gifts of the current times is for us to connect with our heart. Your heart wants to talk to you. It wants you to know your own true desires. It wants you to stop asking others to distract you or give you advice, when what it comes down to is what you really want in your heart.⁠

Most questions we ask others, are things we should be asking ourselves.⁠

For many, this new way of being is very uncomfortable. We often ask others for their opinion because we want permission from others, to tell us it’s okay to feel how we feel. When the permission we should be gaining is our own.⁠

When you dialogue with your heart, you are not only hearing what it has to say, but you are making a commitment to yourself to be one with your true desires. It is a way of talking to God / The Universe / Your Higher Self. If you are uncomfortable with the concept of talking to God / The Universe / Your Higher Self, try this instead. ⁠

Talk to your heart. Pray to your heart. Socialize with your heart.⁠

In gratitude, Bonnie

2020-08-28T03:35:03+00:00Tags: , |

What does it mean, to Surrender?

What does it mean, to Surrender?

The word Surrender is sometimes misinterpreted. Some imagine signing over their life to church, to “god”, to some guru who wants to make you his 12th wife. If this is happening to you, please call the FBI (!)⁠

To surrender is quite simple, but not easy. ⁠

To surrender is to let go of all possible outcomes. ⁠

To surrender is to let go of any control. ⁠⁠

To surrender is to free ourselves from the burden of control.⁠

To surrender is to trust so much in ourselves and the Universe, that we do not force things to happen.⁠

This does not mean we cannot have desire, or take action. It does not mean we do not speak our truth when something needs to be said. ⁠

It means, we have the desire, we wish it for ourselves, then we let it go.⁠

It means, we speak our truth, tell someone how we feel, then, we do not control their thoughts.⁠

It means, we take action, then trust that whatever the Universe brings back to us is for our best and highest good.⁠

When we control, we think we are being careful by controlling. But control is actually a burden. When we do not surrender, and instead we choose to control – we think and think and think. And we get more and more and more anxious. ⁠

The mind cannot handle it. It cannot fathom all the possibilities the Universe can provide to us and for us.

When we let go of it all, we also open to it all.

Free your heart. Free your mind. Surrender.⁠

An Incantation for Today:⁠

Please God / The Universe / Higher Self. Help me surrender. Help me let go of any need to control, all possible outcomes and to know that any outcome I receive is for the highest good for me and all involved. ⁠

In gratitude, Bonnie

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