What does it mean, to Surrender?

The word Surrender is sometimes misinterpreted. Some imagine signing over their life to church, to “god”, to some guru who wants to make you his 12th wife. If this is happening to you, please call the FBI (!)⁠

To surrender is quite simple, but not easy. ⁠

To surrender is to let go of all possible outcomes. ⁠

To surrender is to let go of any control. ⁠⁠

To surrender is to free ourselves from the burden of control.⁠

To surrender is to trust so much in ourselves and the Universe, that we do not force things to happen.⁠

This does not mean we cannot have desire, or take action. It does not mean we do not speak our truth when something needs to be said. ⁠

It means, we have the desire, we wish it for ourselves, then we let it go.⁠

It means, we speak our truth, tell someone how we feel, then, we do not control their thoughts.⁠

It means, we take action, then trust that whatever the Universe brings back to us is for our best and highest good.⁠

When we control, we think we are being careful by controlling. But control is actually a burden. When we do not surrender, and instead we choose to control – we think and think and think. And we get more and more and more anxious. ⁠

The mind cannot handle it. It cannot fathom all the possibilities the Universe can provide to us and for us.

When we let go of it all, we also open to it all.

Free your heart. Free your mind. Surrender.⁠

An Incantation for Today:⁠

Please God / The Universe / Higher Self. Help me surrender. Help me let go of any need to control, all possible outcomes and to know that any outcome I receive is for the highest good for me and all involved. ⁠

In gratitude, Bonnie