Don’t forget your own desires

Don’t forget your own desires
In important relationships, we are often wondering: What does the other person want?
We ask this because we don’t want to rock the boat. We don’t want to overstep for them to reject us or see us in a negative light.
When making decisions, we want to know what the other person wants, ignoring our own wants and desires.
Oftentimes, we’re not thinking about this consciously. It’s just something we do.
Women have this tendency, but I’d say anyone with a nurturing side does. We lean into our natural nurturing skills, a good skill set to have. We take it and use it to the point where, that is all we do. All we do is nurture others.
If you are this natural born nurturer, I feel for you.
Remember that nurturing others is only one of the things that you want for your life. You are more than your ability to nurture.
Remember that sacrifice is not nurturing. Society has somehow convinced us that sacrifice for someone we love is the ultimate showcase of love. It is not.
When we tire of sacrificing, we beat ourselves up. We accuse ourselves of being not a good friend, parent, child, sibling.
We get so accustomed to sacrificing that we forget what it’s like to explore our own desires.
We forget that our own desires exist. Then, one day we wake up and realize – I have no idea what I want.
Give yourself permission to explore your own desires.
Start simple.
What do I want for breakfast today, truly?
Break yourself out of your own routine and see that today, you may have a new desire that wants to be heard. Perhaps you have a desire that was different from yesterday’s.
Ask yourself, “What do *I* want?”
In gratitude, Bonnie