Space, Death & Purpose: There is timing for everything
Lately, I’ve been seeing “inspirational posts” that say things like “There is no right time…” then followed by “the time is now!” or ….”Don’t wait forever.” Or some sort of “get going” type sentiment about starting a work goal, or coming into your purpose.
It’s been bothering me.
In the past few years, I’m learning a hard lesson: There is timing for everything.
Now, don’t get me wrong. If you are in an abusive relationship or toxic environment, I agree that the time is always ripe to leave 👏 that 👏 situ-👏 -ation. Do not wait.
As far as a work goal or purpose, I’ve observed that as I inch closer and closer, and feel more aligned to my purpose, and what I had come into this Earthly existence to do, I understand why there is a time for everything.
We are not always ready.
This is not an invalidation of who you are, but rather, our lack of readiness comes from being a human being. Every day we learn, we grow, we come into new understandings that build slowly over time, that gets us ready for our purpose. We can take steps, one after another, but each step has its own timing, coming from integration of each one.
These motivational quotes make us believe that if we’re not hitting the pedal hard, to charge forward, then we’re just sitting around doing nothing.
I’ve found in the past few years, especially the last year – when I’m “doing nothing” I am, in fact doing a lot. We live in a society where we invalidate space, as if we’re lazy, or not ambitious, if we aren’t doing something towards our goals.
Confined to my home, I discovered that space was exactly the medicine I needed. It was a clearing, which included a death of my identity, a death of unsupportive friendships, places and things that no longer serve me, a death of inherited belief systems and values that no longer resonates.
I had to first become an empty vessel, void of any notion of who I am, before I could begin to fill it with my sincere, heart-aligned truth and authenticity. This empty void is incredibly disorienting, and has brought many to existential crises, that only fuels our fire to discover who we are with more enthusiasm. As we begin to fill our empty vessels, uncover what’s in our hearts, we slowly begin to settle into our new selves.
All of this took time and space. There is no moving forward without this process. If we try to fast pass or skip a step, we’re only left with half truths.
Do not be afraid of this space in-between; the space that leaves us empty and uncertain of who we even are. It may not feel like it, but it’s working for you. Trust in that space.
In gratitude, Bonnie