Ignoring your ego is self-deception

As Lightworkers, Spiritual Seekers or “Good People” – however you identify, we often suppress our ego. 

Like a dog that’s stolen a bone, we tell it “NO!” We tell it “Bad dog!” or “Bad ego!” 

We feel it wanting to come up to the surface. It wants to say something, but we don’t allow it a voice.

We think: We must be humble. We must be positive vibes. We must have gratitude. When we’re in that energy, and feeling that, then that’s cool. This is not what our life composes of 100% of the time. This is also not the goal of life.

There are times in our life when we come upon situations when our ego wants to come to the surface. 

When you feel that ego urge, let it speak. When we let the ego speak, we uncover a part of ourselves that is really hurting. We need to allow that hurt to have a voice. That hurt can hold your heart’s true desire hostage… until your hurt is heard, we cannot access the deep desire, or love, or joy that is buried within. 

I for one, have most of my life tried to bury my ego. I didn’t want people to think I am a bad person. I hid behind a veil of humility. It’s not that I didn’t have any humility, but I used my humility to not see that I have an ego-side as well. I was only deceiving myself.

So if your ego wants to speak, let it speak. Give it room to speak. It may speak only to you. It may even speak to someone else. If we let it speak softly, then it can come out with gentleness, instead of being pushed out in anger. 

An Incantation:

Please God / The Universe / Higher Self. I honor my ego. To honor my ego is to honor my pain. Help me release that within me that wants to keep the ego in a cage. Give me the strength to listen to my ego, so that I can heal.

In gratitude, Bonnie