Kickass women, balancing our masculine and feminine.

As feminists, we’ve gotten real good at DOING. We do it all. We create pivot tables one minute and put dinner on the table, the next.  

If you’re like me, working the 9-to-5 has given me very healthy masculine energy. Our masculine energy is the doer. It’s that within us that is practical, independent, free, and action-oriented.

When our masculine sides are healthy, we feel empowered, and can speak our truth and act our truth.⁠

Despite feeling empowered, do you feel like something is missing? I know I did. I felt like I should be happy, but I wasn’t.

In my journey to discover myself, I made a huge realization: I was over-identifying with my masculine energy. I thought it was “right” to be efficient, practical and unemotional in my decision-making. This is what society teaches us. I thought it would result in happiness and joy. But it didn’t work. 

It wasn’t until I reconnected with the other side of me, as a woman – my feminine.  The part of me who is intuitive, emotional, compassionate and wants to flow with life. ⁠

I discovered that it’s the feminine within me that receives and hears our own truth. Without being able to connect with ourselves in this way, our masculine energies don’t know what to speak or act on! This is why when we’re cut off from our feminine, we can feel confused and lost.⁠

The Divine Feminist is the modern story of what it means to be a woman. ⁠

Feminists in the last century had to fight for our freedoms. And thank god they did! Women now have the freedom to leave relationships, create businesses, pursue financial independence and go after their dreams. 

In doing so, we entered the “man’s world” (work) and had to show what we’re capable of. 

Speaking for myself, I did a lot of things in my male-dominated work environment to fit in. I ignored my feminine aspects – compassion, intuition, emotions, receptivity, afraid if I show it, I won’t be accepted.

It was a huge “aha” when I realized: By trying to fit in, by ignoring our feminine sides, we give away our female power. 

When we are strong and balanced, embracing what is inherent within us, this is true power. We are no longer cowering by trying to hide our emotions that are powerful indicators of direction (for both men and women!), or forcing our way when the situation calls for stillness or nurturance.

Because, honey! It’s no longer a man’s world. It’s only a man’s world, if we believe it and give it power.

By embracing our whole selves, we reclaim our truth as women. 

Divine Feminists balance both our masculine and feminine selves, in order to be:



Empowered and compassionate.⁠

Practical and intuitive.⁠

Mindful and Emotional.

Free and Flow.⁠

Independent and Open-Hearted.

This is how women take back our true power. By embracing the feminine energy inherent within us, we can receive clarity in what we truly want and use our masculine energy to create our dream lives into reality.

I, for one, dream of a balanced world. One where both men, women and all genders can embrace our masculine and feminine sides, openly and in ways that best serve them.

By balancing ourselves, we begin the process of rebalancing the Masculine and Feminine in the world.

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