10+ Worksheets & exercises to re-focus a stinky attitude towards joy

Use this workbook when you’re feeling grumpy! In this fun, humorous and insightful 22 page workbook, we’ll transform that Attitude into Gratitude.

Topics include: Giving yourself permission to be ungrateful, a thank you letter to your home, thanking your shit list, gratitude for abundance, and more!

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Sometimes, we have a bad attitude, and that’s okay.

Has anyone ever told you, “Be grateful for what you have”?

And sometimes, do you want to tell them to “Shut the hell up”?

If so, I’ve got the gratitude workbook for you! This workbook was designed for people who have a hard time being grateful.

When we’re given the advice our entire lives — by parents, teachers, priests and coaches — to be grateful for what we have, we don’t always give ourselves permission to feel how we feel. We think: We should be grateful, but instead there is resistance. By giving ourselves permission for our feelings first, we open to the transformative power of gratitude to shift our perspective and bring a greater joy into our lives.

Sending you much love & gratitude!
