What if I make the wrong decision?
Sometimes we get wrapped up in the worry of making the wrong decision.
And so we think and think and think. Is it this way? Or that way?
For those of us, who are Spiritually inclined / Starseeds / Lightworkers. What we fear the most….
Is making the wrong decision in the eyes of God / The Universe / Higher Self.
We have the power of choice.
But there are no wrong decisions.
Each decision we make takes us on a journey or path that may be slightly different than the other.
But it is never wrong.
Especially in the eyes of God / The Universe / Higher Self
Each path brings its own set of opportunities and challenges.
Even as we see two paths – one that is scary; one that is more within our comfort zone. Neither is right or wrong.
Each contains something to learn. Discoveries to be made. In its own way. With its own processes.
God / The Universe / The Higher Self has no judgement on you.
It is always loving and compassionate.
It is us, who won’t give loving kindness and compassion towards ourselves.
Give yourself permission to be wherever you are in your decision-making.
There are no wrong decisions.
Let every decision be okay.
Love yourself, ya’ll
In gratitude, Bonnie