Can you open to receiving?
In these C19 times, giving and receiving is a big lesson.
Some of us have to ask for help, which is hard. We are exposing our needs to each other, revealing that perhaps we don’t have it as together as we try to portray to the world.
Consider though, behind all of that is the concept of receiving. Most people have an easy time giving, but when it comes to receiving, it is much harder.
When we don’t allow ourselves to receive, we are actually putting up a wall around us. That wall is a defense mechanism for shame, guilt, remorse that we don’t want others to know about. Behind that wall, we may even keep a narrative that blames others, as an excuse to not connect with others on a deeper level.
To receive from others is to truly connect with another. To recognize in someone their true kindness, and allow them to shine their kindness onto you.
This can be really, really hard.
I for one, fear that I owe something back to them. This is mostly my projection as a way to skirt what is truly scary. To actually connect so deeply with another. It is truly a vulnerable act when we allow someone else to connect with us in this way.
It’s scary for us to go that deep. This deep connection is love. Allowing yourself to receive is in actuality to LOVE YOURSELF. Many people have trouble with self-love. That is why it’s so hard to receive.
I encourage anyone who may be having trouble with receiving to let yourself ‘say yes’ to receiving. Whatever it may be. Even if you are not in dire need of anything. This is a big lesson for us at this time.
For anyone interested in this Incantation:
Please God / The Universe / Higher Self. Help me open my heart to receiving and connecting with others. Help me release any fears or past-time blame patterns I may want to hold on to at this time. Let me be open to seeing and accepting the kindness and Light within others.
In gratitude, Bonnie